External-gear hydraulic motor ALM series


Other characteristics

Max.: 270 bar
(3,916 psi)

Min.: 160 bar
(2,321 psi)

Rotational speed

Max.: 4,000 rpm
(25,132.74 rad.min-1)

Min.: 1,800 rpm
(11,309.73 rad.min-1)


Max.: 28 cm³
(0.95 US fl oz)

Min.: 3 cm³
(0.1 US fl oz)


In this chapter the bi-directional motors of the new Marzocchi serie ALM and their characteristics are described. The way to select them is shown as well. The hydraulic motors and pumps represent two machines with symmetrical function within the chapter of hydrostatic transmission of the energy: the motors assure the conversion from the hydraulic energy to mechanic and the pumps assure the contrary. The pumps and the motors have common functionality, construction and sizes. The motor is driven by the flow of the fluid and transmit the movement and the tor que to the user to which it is connected: infact the pressurized fluid work against the gears generating a peripheric force equivalent to a torque on the motor shaft. An important characteristic of the hydraulic motors is to develop a torque of adequate intensity (starting torque) also when still; this torque is capable to overcome the resistance torque and to move the system. The hydraulic motors are generally classified against the displacements and the torque: the displacement is the teorethical quantity of fluid capable to allow the shaft of the motor to run for a complete revolution; the torque is function of the displacement, of the pressure differential and of the mechanical efficiency and it is representing the force supplied by the motor shaft.

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